Preferential tariff rate is applicable to imported goods originated from countries or regions with which the People's Republic of China has a signed trade agreement containing provisions on special preferential tariff rates. 原产于与中华人民共和国签订含有特殊关税优惠条款的贸易协定的国家或者地区的进口货物,适用特惠税率。
Another difficult question, which comes up for practically every free trade agreement, lies in so-called rules of origin: how to determine which goods are really made predominantly within the free-trade region and therefore qualify for tariff removal and other preferential trade access. 另一个难题几乎每项自由贸易协议都会遇到,那就是所谓的原产地规则:如何确定哪些商品真的是在自由贸易区制造的,因此有资格免除关税,并获得其他优惠贸易待遇。
General Agreement on Tariff and Trade 国际关税和贸易总协定
MS Le Pen campaigns to withdraw France from the euro, impose tariff barriers and roll back the Schengen Agreement on free movement of people across the EU. 勒庞在竞选造势时鼓吹让法国退出欧元区、构筑关税壁垒、退出允许欧盟内部人员自由流动的《申根协定》(schengenagreement)。
The Historical Course of General Agreement on Tariff and Trade ( 1947-1994); 关税与贸易总协定的历史进程(1947-1994)
Under the new trade agreement, the import tariff comes off certain kinds of goods. 根据新的贸易合同,几种货物免收进口税。
Framework Agreement for the Establishment of a Tariff Preferential system 设立关税优惠制度的框架协定
In the US, key senators have reached a preliminary agreement to kill off tax and tariff support for the domestic ethanol industry though mandates requiring ethanol blending with petrol remain. 在美国,一些具有关键性影响的参议员已达成一项初步协议,拟取消对国内乙醇行业的税收和关税扶持,但要求在汽油中混入乙醇的指令仍维持。
After seven "Rounds" of General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade trade negotiations that focused heavily on tariff reductions, tariffs are less important measures of protection than they used to be. 继关税及贸易总协定七个回合主要关于降低税价的贸易协定之后,税收所起的保护作用日趋下降。
During the late Qing Dynasty, the Zikou trade is controlled by the western powers within the scope of agreement tariff as an important way to control the mainland market of China. 晚清时期,子口贸易在协定关税的范围内被列强控制,是列强渗透到中国内地市场的重要方式。
Guided by the Agreement on ASEAN Preferential Trading. Arrangements in 1977, ASEAN countries made consistent efforts to promote the intra-regional trade, mainly by cutting the tariff of selected goods. 从1977年的《东盟特惠贸易安排协定》开始,东盟各国围绕商品关税减让等主要方法,对增加东盟区内的贸易往来作出了持久的努力。
A review of a few recent WTO cases involving SPS indicates that some drawbacks of WTO related SPS agreement have caused SPS to be used as non tariff barriers. 回顾WTO最近几起SPS案例,可以看出,WTO的SPS协议中的漏洞导致了SPS措施可以成为贸易壁垒的工具。
It is a part of the multilateral agreement of non-tariff wall in WTO law frame. 它是WTO法律框架中非关税壁垒的多边协定中的一部分。
On the Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act of 1934, the tariff was not displayed by the form of legislation. It was established by the trade negotiations between the President and other nations. 1934年的互惠贸易协定法使关税不再通过立法的形式表现出来,而是由总统与他国的贸易谈判来确立。
The government of the Qing Dynasty signed agreement with the three consuls and set up Shanghai Tariff Committee controlled by them. 随后清政府与英、美、法领事签署协议,成立了由英、美、法把持的上海税务管理委员会。
In 1994 the Uruguay-bout-negotiates made 《 Pact concerning putting into practice the 6th item of the total Agreement of Tariff and Trade 》 that is the current anti-dump law in WTO. 1994年乌拉圭回合谈判达成了《关于实施1994年关税与贸易总协定第6条的协议》。该协议为WTO现行的反倾销法。
In 1994, General Agreement on Tariff and Trade ( GATT) Uruguay Round negotiation has passed through General Agreement on Trade in Service ( GATS), which symbolizes the world economy has entered into a new historical period-service economy. 1994年关税与贸易总协定(GATT)乌拉圭回合谈判通过了《服务贸易总协定》,标志着世界经济进入了一个新的历史时期&服务经济时期。
The establishment of the system in filing international shipping agreement organizations, tariff filing and NVOCC in China was taking references of the Shipping Act. 9. 我国国际航运协议组织报备制度、运价管理制度和无船承运人制度等借鉴了美国航运法的相关规定。
After there was an agreement, the tariff rate will decrease as 0 percentages, so it showed that Thailand is more reduction in tariff than China. 在双方进行协议后,税率将下降到0%,不难看出,泰国关税的下降程度超过中国。
Next, detailed measures on income tax, tax agreement and tariff are designed and the direction effect of these measures is emphasized. 其次,从所得税、税收协定和关税方面设计鼓励海外投资的具体措施,并指出要突出税收政策对投资的产业导向作用。
In 1948, after the Second World War, the international community began to build the General Agreement on Tariff and Trade ( GATT) to specify the international behaviour, the multilateral trading system first admitted the status of anti-dumping law. 1948年二战后国际社会开始构建关税与贸易总协定,多边体系第一次承认各国反倾销立法的存在地位。